Cheers to the new year! 🍾

We did it, twenty-somethings. We made it to another year! We survived! While for some, the 2023 year was triumphant, for many, it was the opposite. Many L’s were taken, but as always, that L becomes a lesson. But, I’m getting beside myself—that’s not what today’s post is about. Today, we’re focusing on the brighter side of things. We are walking into the new year full of faith, optimism, and spirit. With a new year, we have a chance to be new, in ALL aspects of life, and I think there’s excitement in that.

Every year, we strive to be better versions of ourselves, and as twenty-somethings, most of us aspire to become more mature and prepared for the world ahead of us. Back in December, I gave you all some tips on preparing for the new year. Some of those tips included buying a planner, writing down your goals for 2024, reflecting on 2023, and making a vision board (I’m not sure if I added all of these, but hopefully, some of you did so anyway!). Now, we are in the new year, and it’s time to turn those goals into actions. So, how can we ensure that we stay focused on our goals this year? I’ll tell you.

Here are some tips to help you stick to your goals this year:

Stay organized - Put that planner to use! Write down any important dates, appointments, plans, short-term goals, and long-term goals. Keep it nearby at all times. Bonus points if you buy a chic planner; it gives a Charlotte York or Molly Carter vibe from Insecure.

Remember your long-term goals - Set your vision board as your phone background. Review your goals every quarter. Keep your goals in mind so you move toward them every chance you get.

Focus on one goal at a time - Make things a bit easier for yourself by focusing on one goal at a time. For bigger goals, break them down into smaller attainable tasks.

Learn to “habit-stack” - Habit stacking is a technique where you form new habits by pairing a new desired habit with an already existing behavior you routinely do (making coffee or showering).

Celebrate your small wins - Every win, big or small, is still a win. Celebrate them!

As a reminder while we take these self-accountability tips into account, let's not forget the importance of self-compassion. Life is a rollercoaster ride, and it's okay if things don't always go according to plan. Be gentle with yourself during setbacks, and understand that they are part of the growth process. Take a moment to reflect, learn, and then move forward. Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint.

In embracing the challenges and successes that this new year holds for us, let’s make sure that we support each other on our journeys of growth. May we all be more gentle with ourselves this year and celebrate more wins than we did last year! Here's to a year filled with accomplishments, learning, and moments that shape us into the best versions of ourselves!



Mia, the twenty something ♡

Song of the day 🎵


Comparison, the thief of joy.


Grief…the Evidence of Love. (pt. I)